


I am here waiting for you.
Do you think of me?
I am here waiting for you.
Can you set me free?

I somehow lost my home.
I’m not sure of folks I meet.
I found myself alone,
Lost and frightened on the street.

I tried to make some friends,
But was shooed and pushed away.
Is this the way it ends,
Just another stray?

So much danger on the air!
My presents brings on fear!
Not welcome anywhere!
People run when I get near!

Picked up by the dog cops
and put in a foster home.
The food and care are really tops
but still so alone.

I wont take too much space.
Just a small room in your heart.
A teeny, tiny place,
Where I can make a start.

No I’m not a cute little puppy,
But I wont pee upon your floor.
I just need someone to love me.
Please open up the door.

I am here waiting for you.
Where ever can you be?
I am here waiting for you.
Can you spare some love for me?

– Judith D. Steele





And please don’t forget………
Vaccinate your Mate









Wodonga Dog Rescue would like to thank all the wonderful people that
choose to adopt & not shop.
On these pages you will find some very happy rehomed dogs!
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Thought I’d drop you a quick line with some further progress on young Charlie (the dog formerly known as Roy).

The little fella has just settled in remarkably and is now an entrenched part of the family. It is really delightful having him around. His personality is infectious and everybody wants to give him a cuddle, pat or belly rub as he responds so warmly. He’s well trained on the lead and just loves going for walks and runs around the park. We’ve fixed up his house training and we haven’t had any accidents for quite a while which is helpful. He was feeling a little off colour on Friday night but bounced back beautifully yesterday. We just treated him like any other toddler and all was well!

My youngest son plays junior football on Sundays and Charlie just loves going down to training on Thursdays and running around with the other dogs and kids and being part of the action. Come Sundays, I’m sure he’d love to be out there with the kids.

All in all, he’s a beauty. The work that you guys do is wonderful. Keep it up.


We thought we should give you an update about Carter aka "Tramp" who we adopted from you in August last year……. yes we decided to rename him.

I have attached a couple of photo’s that show that Carter is well and truly part of the family, and we are constantly amazed at how smart he is, and how well he has fitted in.

Contrary to first thought’s Carter has turned out to be our youngest son best friend, and started to play with him as soon as he could crawl.
Carter will bring a toy or a blanket to him so they can play tug-of-war, and he has always been gentle not to hurt either of our children.

Thank you again for the opportunity to adopt Carter.


 She is settling in just perfectly.  
Every day she is just so much more relaxed and content. 

She is such a complete joy to walk. 
She must have been trained as she responds so easily to simple commands. 

I have booked her in to a basic manners course run by an organisation that do positive reward training and see a lot of newly adopted dogs from Lort Smith.  I think she will be brilliant, She is so well behaved that I almost changed my mind about taking her, however I think it is still important as my daughter very much wants to be involved and Coco deserves the best from us.

Our daughter is in absolute heaven she just adores her and our youngest daughter is so realxed that she will pull herself up to standing on Coco’s back without the slightest bit of a grumble from Coco. 
On the weekend we took her to meet the family.  When we put her in the back of his car she was very very nervous,  I think she thought "oh god here we go again, another new home." 
She was just brilliant with their slightly annoying jack russel terrier, and our neice who is very very hyper.  At one stage both the kids and dogs were playing follow the leader for about 30 mins.  When we arrived home on Sunday night she genuinely seemed to sigh for relief as she realised she hadn’t gone to yet another home, she was back with us. 

What a cutie.  Can’t thank you enough for bringing such a joyful soul into our house

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