


I am here waiting for you.
Do you think of me?
I am here waiting for you.
Can you set me free?

I somehow lost my home.
I’m not sure of folks I meet.
I found myself alone,
Lost and frightened on the street.

I tried to make some friends,
But was shooed and pushed away.
Is this the way it ends,
Just another stray?

So much danger on the air!
My presents brings on fear!
Not welcome anywhere!
People run when I get near!

Picked up by the dog cops
and put in a foster home.
The food and care are really tops
but still so alone.

I wont take too much space.
Just a small room in your heart.
A teeny, tiny place,
Where I can make a start.

No I’m not a cute little puppy,
But I wont pee upon your floor.
I just need someone to love me.
Please open up the door.

I am here waiting for you.
Where ever can you be?
I am here waiting for you.
Can you spare some love for me?

– Judith D. Steele





And please don’t forget………
Vaccinate your Mate

















Wodonga Dog Rescue would like to thank all the wonderful people that
choose to adopt & not shop.
On these pages you will find some very happy rehomed dogs!
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When Stanley first arrived with us, he was a very shy little man who didn’t seem to know where he was or where he belonged. 
On the second day we had him we took him to the park for a run and made the mistake of letting him off his lead to run with our other pet rescue dog Angel. 
What we didn’t realise was Stanley took some time to warm up to people enough to come to you when called. 
45 minutes later after running the streets of Broome where Stanley now lives and with the assistance of a stranger walking his dog that morning we managed to get him back on a lead.  This sort of thing happened a couple of times over the next couple of weeks and saw us driving round with the other dog in the car when Stanley made a break,  We had to use Angel as a lure to get him in the car. 

Well about a month on now, and with a lot of love and training at obedience classes we can now take him down to Cable Beach for a run and not have to drive along beside him until he wears out so much we can catch him. 
He loves his weekend trips to the beach; swimming, chasing birds that fly about 10 feet above him and make him run round in circles and when they have had enough of the game fly out over the ocean. 
We haven’t let him off the lead at the park yet, but in fenced areas of the local school we can let him go and he comes back when called and I am sure that with time he will be free in the park.  He loves playing with our other dog at the beach and has even started having games with me at home after our morning and evening walks.

I am really pleased we persevered when we see the progress he is making each day at his second chance at life. 
Thanks for sending him to us!

Nessa and Ebony

They have both settled in very well and they get on like a house on fire ( based on their excitement sometimes its like the house is actually on fire).

They have had loads of fun exploring their new home and as the pictures show, they found our family mascot Elmo to irresistible. They have been loving their morning runs and afternoons at the local dog park.

Nessa has come in leaps and bounds and she is picking up new training very well. Her recall has improved and she is continually thirsty for more training. Her excitable jumping has also significantly improved but still more work to do there. She is amazingly switched on and my partner and I both love her to bits.

Ebony has also settled in well. She is an absolute sweet heart and all she wants is love and attention. Even when food is in her bowl she would rather a pat and hug … much to Nessa’s delight as she does a sneaky mouthful from Ebony’s bowl.

Over the weekend during our recent warm weather they have both enjoyed a swim with us in the pool. Ebony is a natural and loves the water. Nessa is a great swimmer but I don’t think she enjoys it as much as Ebony.  




We took her to Esperance for Christmas and she loved chasing the seagulls along the beach.  
She also nearly went for a swim (up to her tummy!). 

She seems to have had an impact on  everyone she meets, even the toughest man is won over by her personality.  
She loves all of the grandkids and they love her. 
She curls up on their knee and cuddles them. 

She is very obedient, except when she jumps out of the ute and chases sheep.  
She sees the other dogs do it so she has a go! 
She loves riding on the four wheel motorbike, she is actually out there at the moment with her new Dad checking sheep.

She loves having a massage with her brush, as soon as she sees me get the brush she rolls onto her back to have her tummy brushed.  Pity there is not much hair on  her tummy!  She has had such a positive impact on  our lives, we all love her to bits. 

I’m so glad we got her. 

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